142 pinwheels spread out over Brown Continue reading
Gov. Kaine Signs Exec. Order to Improve Energy Efficiency in State Gov't
Governor Timothy M. Kaine today issued Executive Order 48, setting a goal for executive branch agencies and institutions to reduce the annual cost of non-renewable energy purchases by at least 20 percent by fiscal year 2010. Continue reading
Gov. Kaine Announces Amendments to Dominion Energy bill
Press Release
p>March 27, 2007
Amendments Do Not Mandate Any Renewable Energy Development
Memo to Dominion Virginia Power: The Earth is Warming
What planet do the lobbyists for Dominion Virginia Power live on? The Earth the rest of us inhabit is suffering from the Continue reading
Richmond Signs onto Mayors Climate Protection Agreement
During a presentation at City Hall today, the Sierra Club and Chesapeake Climate Action Network celebrated Mayor L. Douglas Wilder Continue reading
New Report Shows Clean Energy Can Lower Natural Gas Prices for Virginia Consumers
A coalition of Virginia renewable energy stakeholders, lead by the Chesapeake Climate Action Network (CCAN), released a report today that outlines how adopting mandatory renewable energy legislation will save Virginians’ $30 million dollars in energy costs over the next ten years. The report is part of a campaign CCAN is waging to get Virginia to adopt legislation mandating 15 to 20 percent of the state’s electricity come from renewable sources by 2015. Continue reading
Mirant Shuts Down Alexandria Power Plant: Coalition Calls for Renewable Energy to Fill Gap
A broad coalition called for Mirant to develop renewable energy to fill the gap left by the closing of its Potomac River plant in Alexandria, scheduled for midnight tonight. Mirant announced late on Wednesday that it would close the plant after discovering that the plant had not met the company Continue reading